• Changelog: Version: 1.1.1
    Published: Nov 1, 2024
    new feature improvement

    I am excited to announce a new feature on Jatra Communities - available to all our customers: Ability to publish changelog for your software, supported natively on your community.

    New Feature: Ability to Publish Changelog on the Community

    Our changelog creation system makes it easy. Here are some of the features that you’ll absolutely love -

    1. Ability to add title, version and tags along with detailed description

    2. Create multiple changelog channels (if you want to), for different products

    3. Version field automatically shows the last changelog version for quick reference

    4. Latest changelog entry automatically appears in user’s feed

    5. Beautifully designed changelog cards are attention-grabbers. Take a look -

    New Feature: Ability to Publish Changelog on the Community

    Let us know your feedback and ideas to improve our changelog system. If you find bugs, report them directly to us or through the comment below.

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  • Steve Miller


    This is a game-changer. No need to host another software to maintain changelog. Is there a way we can request for new features?

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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    Community Administrator3mos

    A new post-type for requesting features is under development. It will allow our members to request for new features. For every requested feature, other members will upvote it if they also want it.

    It's a pretty awesome system. Can't wait to share it with fellow members.

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  • Rahul Roy


    Amazing! I really like your approach to community building. Keep going, guys! Can't wait to see what you launch next.

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