• Changelog: Version: 1.1.2
    Published: Nov 4, 2024
    New Feature

    At Jatra, we are committed to quickly launching features that our customers love. A few days ago, our customers requested for an ability to add custom links to the most important resources from the community.

    Today, we are excited to launch a new feature “Custom Links”.

    1. Quickly add up to 3 external or internal links

    2. Define custom anchor text / label for the link

    3. Links will automatically open in a new tab

    4. When the custom links are not defined, the links section will be replaced with post-filters

    New Feature: Custom Links

    These links are displayed at prominent location on the top of post indexes and will pass-on the SEO juice from your community to the resources you are pointing to.

    Let us know your feedback, questions or comments.

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  • Ambarish Ganesh


    This is excellent! Thanks for adding.

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  • Nandana Kumara



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