• I am building a customer community for a D2C brand I work with. We have an established community with about 500 monthly active users. The community is active and users love our products.

    We are now looking to turn the most active users into our brand ambassadors. Should I directly approach them and ask them to start recommending our brand to their peers, and talk about us on other forums?

    Not sure if this is the right way to do it. What if it backfires? I don’t want to lose our active members. I would appreciate if you could share tips, tricks on practical ways of turning our community members into brand advocates. Thank you in advance.

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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    Community Administrator20h

    Hi Alex, I think 500 active members is a great number! I'm sure you must be getting a ton of useful content on your community daily.

    You can turn your community members into brand ambassadors by appealing to basic human emotions - belonging, pride and recognition. Here's a proven strategy that I've implemented in all the communities I've built.

    1. Recognition: Identify your most active members and recognize their contribution publicly. This can be done simply by liking their posts, tagging them and acknowledging their contribution to the community.
    2. Motivation: Build a dedicated brand ambassador program and motivate your most useful contributors to participate in it. Offer exclusive perks relevant to your community goals and member needs.
    3. Referrals: Introduce a referral program and make it easy for existing members to invite new members. For every referral, add an incentive to encourage participation.
    4. Organic Advocacy: People advocate the brands they love. Encourage your community to share their experiences naturally. For example, they can share photos, videos of your product or service, run contests or giveaways to keep your loyal members engaged.
    5. Ownership: Members will become brand advocates if they feel a sense of ownership. Create a 'feedback' section on your community where each feedback is listened to and acted upon. This builds a sense of ownership among the community members.
    6. Transparency: Transparency builds trust. Build an environment of trust in your community and be open about your wins and loses.
    7. Relationships: Focus on building long-lasting relationships with your most active members. Keep the relationships professional and formal.

    These are just some of the things to get you started. I'll encourage our fellow members to add their own tips.

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