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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    Community Administrator1mo

    Ashvin - that is an excellent suggestion. We are already planning a 'showcase' feature where we'd feature all the interesting communities running on Jatra. It's low-priorty for us; but we'll definitely have it in the next ~6 months.

    Our top priority right now is to prepare Jatra for upcoming set of core features and improvements:

    1. Updated settings panel
    2. Community analytics
    3. AI moderation
    4. New post types (Jobs, Events, Quizzes, ChatRooms and more)

    We are also working on finalizing our marketing site. Lots of amazing stuff planned in Q1 and Q2 of 2025.

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  • Paula Derrenger


    I second this. @Kaustubh - let me know if you need assistance.

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  • Alex Novak


    Count me in.

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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    Community Administrator3w

    Thank you, Paula and Alex.

    @Paula - Let's connect next week and discuss this further. We have a feature backlog and getting the core feature set ready is our top priority now. I could use some inputs from you to plan for the showcase on our main marketing site. Alternatively, we could introduce a 'showcase' post-type right on the community.

    @Alex - Sure. I think this would a very useful feature for all our customers. I've it on my 'to do' for a while. I think we can start working on it around April, 2025.

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