• Looking for better YouTube community alternative. One of my subscribers suggested that I check out Jatra - and I am liking it.

    I wish to know if Jatra is an alternative to YouTube community? I am looking for a better platform where I can interact and build personal connection with my subscribers. I don’t want to host it on YouTube.

    If YouTube bans my channel, I’d still like to have access to the community.

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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    Community Administrator2w

    YouTube's community feature is relatively new. However there are several drawbacks that YouTube channel owners should be aware of. Overall, Jatra is a great alternative to YouTube community - because it solves the following problems:

    Tied to YouTube

    The biggest problem with YouTube Community is that it's tightly integrated with YT ecosystem. If for some reason, YT decides to block, ban or delete your channel, you will immediately lose your community.

    Members Can't Create Threads

    YT community does not allow members or subscribers to create new threads or discussions on the community. Their rights are limited to participating via comments or polls. From my experience, this totally eliminates the real essence of a community; and makes it into another broadcast channel.

    Limits Natural Growth

    Community tab is hidden on the channel - and unless the subscriber visits the community tab, they can't see the discussion. YouTube community also misses out on the natural growth via search traffic - yeah, ironic, but true.

    Limited Engagement Options

    YouTube community is meant for simple interactions - comments, polls and quizzes (with no gamification at all). Throughout my community building experience, I've found this very limiting and a big obstacle in building a thriving community.

    Jatra solves all these problems by letting your subscribers interact with each other, make their opinions and voices heard. The biggest benefit of building your YouTube community is that it's not tied to your YT account. In some unfortunate event, if your YT channel is banned or deleted, you'll still have direct access to your members so that you can communicate with them through posts or sending an email (not an option with YT community).

    I'd love to understand more about your use-case. Our custom post_type feature is a game-changer in the community building world.

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  • Rohit Kapoor


    I like this platform. I shows Jatra to our CMO and she's impressed. If Jatra supports video uploads, I think we'd host all our videos on YouTube and mark them all as unlisted. Jatra is definitely a much better alternative to YouTube communities.

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