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  • Thomas Browne


    The best way to improve your community management skills is through paying attention to your community needs. Keep in mind that building the right skills-set for community will take time; but with the right approach you'll see a steady growth.

    Following is a 6-step plan to improve your community management skills:

    1. Start small - understand your community

    I recommend spending at least 15 minutes talking to your community members - through video calls, DMS or emails. Ask open-ended questions with an aim to dive into user's motivations and needs. Notice what they want to talk about and what excites them. Take notes.

    1. Practice communication skills

    Set a goal to write 2-3 or more meaningful replies every day to add value to existing discussions. When there is conflict among members, approach the situation with a calm and unbiased manner. It helps if you can role-play the scenarios in your mind to improve how you handle tricky situations.

    1. Learn by doing

    Pick a task to improve weekly. For example, it could be as easy as writing an engaging post or an article that your members like to engage with. Conduct simple events like an event or QnA.

    Keep track of how your members respond. Improve your approach based on feedback.

    1. Explore proven resources

    I've found Jatra's own community an important resource for all community professionals. Other than that - there are lots of quality podcasts, books and communities out there that focus on educating community managers. "Buzzing Communities" by Richard Millington is an excellent book to get you started.

    1. Use data and analytics to track progress

    Rely on data and analytics to track your progress. When your approach is data-oriented, you'll discover insights that you haven't thought of. Find out what's working for your community and improve your approach.

    1. Find a mentor

    Find a mentor who can guide you in your community management journey. There is so much to learn from experienced community managers who have built and grown large communities from scratch.

    This should be a good start. I will be happy to answer any follow-up questions you may have. Also looking forward to reading responses from fellow community builders.

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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    Community Administrator2mos

    Thomas has given an apt answer. You can improve community skills by being more active in the communities, both as a manager and a member. What helps the most is willingness to contribute to the community.

    I am a firm believer of learning by doing. Practical experience will hone your community building and management skills better than any other resource. There are plenty of resources, youtube videos and courses available for community builders. But theory won't take you far. You will have to test your theoretical knowledge in the real world.

    Give it time and learn with an open mind. That's the best way to grow as a community builder.

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