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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    Community Administrator1mo

    Dear Sunday, thank you for your interest in hosting your community with Jatra. Jatra is a 'done-for-you' software and it takes just a click to setup your own community.

    In order to create your community with Jatra:

    1. Create an account on with email or social account like Google or LinkedIn
    2. On the dashboard - fill a simple form: Community name, 1-line description and choose community subdomain. You can later link it to your own domain. We'll help you do this.
    3. Jatra takes care of hosting your community, updating, security, data backups so that you can focus on growing your community. We will also help you grow your community from scratch - a service available to all Jatra customers.

    The pricing is determined by your community needs. Jatra is a very powerful platform. While we are pre-launch, there are special lifetime discounts available for early customers.

    We are already trusted by amazing founders and marketers and individuals like yourself. I recommend booking a call with me (I've shared a link with you) so that I can guide you and discuss pricing that works for you.

    Look forward to onboarding you. Let me know if you have follow-up questions.

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  • saandeep sreerambatla


    OK here i was looking for these too, and I dont find an option to create an account on Am I missing something?

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  • Reachoout Team


    same here, cant see create community using jatra. We are also thinking to use it, but the team looks less responsive.

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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    Community Administrator1mo

    Hi Reachout team - the entire marketing site is getting an overhaul. We've limited community building option as the site was under spam attack. We're reaching out to you.

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