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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    Community Administrator2mos

    Hi Paula - I've been hearing rumours about Graphy abandoning Scenes. FYI - Jatra is a great alternative to Scenes over Circle and Mighty Network. If customers of Graphy are looking to migrate to a new community platform, please ask them to book a call with me Jatra - Schedule a Demo

    I've followed Scenes journey since the team at Avalon launched it. Later, the software was sold to Unacademy; which surprised me. Unacademy, AFAIK, was only interested in acquiring the users of Scenes (BuildOnScenes as it was called then). Now Unacademy itself is getting acquired by Allen; and I guess they have offloaded the community platform to Graphy.

    It's a sad story (if true). But we would love to welcome customers of Graphy on Jatra. I look forward to talking to them. If customers of Graphy Scenes are reading this, feel free to schedule a demo with me or comment below. I'll be in touch with you.

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  • Rahul Roy


    Never liked Scene's UI. Always cluttered. They packed just too many features on their platform without ever thinking about the user experience. I'll be happy if people migrate their communities to Jatra - their members will thank them.

    The only feature I ever enjoyed on Scenes is their integration with events. They did it really well. I can't wait to see Jatra launching their own version of events. Kaustubh has shown me a preview and it's very exciting. I think future of community platforms is Jatra.

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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    Community Administrator2mos

    Haha - Thank you for all the butter, Rahul! Jatra is a result of my own frustrations with community platform.

    Most of the modern community platforms are built by people who have never built a community on their own. The makers of Scenes did have a community building experience; but I think they went crazy after adding features.

    We are taking a very cautious approach to building Jatra - adding features that our members absolutely need.

    I had an hour-long call with an owner of a large community (150K+ members) that currently runs on Scenes. They are looking to migrate and considering Jatra. However, they have a few unique requirements that might need custom development. We'll see how it works out.

    I hope customers of Graphy Scenes will consider hosting their communities with Jatra. Can't wait to show them how we approach communities.

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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    Community Administrator2mos

    Update: Wrote an article on Jatra as Alternative to Graphy Scenes platform. I hope it will help clarify the doubts.

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