• Hey everyone,

    I’m looking for some advice from those of you who have successfully built and maintained online communities. I started a niche community about a year ago for people passionate about eco-friendly home projects. In the beginning, it was amazing. The first few months were full of excitement — people (about ~ 40-45 of them signed up on my request) were logging in regularly, posting, sharing ideas and feedback and it really felt like we had something special.

    But after a while, the engagement just started to drop off. People stopped posting as much, and the regulars that kept things alive started disappearing too. I’ve tried a few things like hosting virtual events, doing giveaways, and starting new discussions, but it hasn’t really brought back that spark.

    I’m feeling a bit stuck, to be honest. I don’t want the community to die, but I also don’t know how to keep people coming back once that initial excitement fades. For those of you who’ve managed to keep your communities alive long-term, what worked for you? What should I be focusing on to keep people engaged and interested? I’d love to hear about both your successes and your failures in keeping an online community thriving.

    Thanks in advance! Would really appreciate some genuine advice here!

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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    Community Administrator2w

    I've been building communities for 18 years and the lead developer and growth hacker at Jatra. I am glad you asked this question.

    Community engagement is a constant challenge. The best way to keep your community alive is to create value for your members and community owners consistent with time.

    It's bit controversial, and I get a lot of flack when I say communities need to evolve beyond plain discussions to stay relevant and active. Discussions do serve the purpose, but they aren't just as exciting to keep your members engaged.

    At Jatra, we solve this problem by creating multiple post types - discussions, chats, gamified quizzes, polls, events, feedback and more.

    This approach ensures that our members always have something new to engage with whenever they come back to the community. Let me know if you think this is helpful.

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  • Rob Sweeny


    If your community is dry, try to find out if there's toxicity on the rise. A few toxic people can sometimes upset well-established communities.

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  • Angela Williams


    This is going to be an uphill task. I think community engagement is a two-fold issue. First, the community culture needs to be welcoming to new users and second, it should have something fresh for all the members to keep coming back.

    How does your onboarding look like? How intuitive is your community interface? Do people get bombarded with irrelevant stuff? Do they have ability to connect with other members? What are the common goals of your community members?

    We need to dive deeper to find out the root cause of decline in user engagement.

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