• Hi! I saw someone on Reddit mention that Jatra could be a good alternative to Upvoty. I’m a bit confused, though—is Jatra a community platform, or is it more of a software and product feedback tool like Upvoty?

    My team and I are working on a SaaS product, and we’re looking for the best way to collect feedback from our customers.

    We’ve already checked out Upvoty, Featurebase, and Canny, but we haven’t made a decision yet. Could someone explain how Jatra works as a feedback tool and how it helps collect user feedback? I’d really appreciate any insights!

    Thanks in advance!

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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    Community Administrator6d

    Hey Alex, thank you for your question. Jatra indeed is an alternative to Upvoty and lets you collect product feedback from your users.

    Jatra, at its core, is a community platform for SaaS. Prior to building Jatra, I was the head of growth at a SaaS. I noticed that we relied on Canny to collect feedback from our customers. However, we had to redirect our users to Canny (it ran on a subdomain) only to provide feedback, make feature requests and suggestions.

    Our users hesitated signing up on Canny. Many times, my colleagues would create feature requests and feedback on behalf of our customers.

    Jatra natively supports feedback tool and changelog tool natively with the community platform.

    This offers several advantages:

    1. No need to buy new software just for feedback
    2. No need to maintain a new subdomain and server
    3. No need to redirect users to new platform just for the feedback
    4. Updates are rolled out directly to your members - right within the community

    As of writing this reply, Jatra's feedback management tool lets you collect feedback, bugs, improvement requests and feature requests. Jatra combines community + feedback + changelog tool on one platform to make it easy for startups to collect and manage feedback.

    I hope this answers your question. Let me know if you wish to know more.

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  • Alex Novak


    Thank you, Kaustubh. This answers my question. I think it's a brilliant idea to integrate product feedback mechanism right into the community platform. I spoke about Jatra to our management as we are looking to migrate our Slack community to Jatra.

    We have an in-house tool to capture feedback, but I like your approach better. No need to direct users to other parts of the website when community has all the action.

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