• I recently graduated with a degree in marketing, and during my final year, I attended a session at my University that introduced me to the world of community building.

    That session completely opened my eyes to how powerful communities can be in shaping brands, driving growth and engagement. Since then, I’ve been fascinated by the potential of this field and how important it’s become for businesses and individual creators alike.

    I am convinced that community builders will be in high demand as more companies recognise the value of building strong, engaged communities. I want to prepare myself and get a head-start in this field.

    Can someone here share a list of key skills I should focus on developing to build a successful career in community building? I’d love to hear any personal experiences or advices from the experts in this space.

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  • Paula Derrenger


    It's exciting to see new community builders starting out in this field and recognize the value and power of communities. I have been in the community building space for over 8 years and I enjoy it to the core. I too have a background in marketing and special interest in customer success - two very important aspects of business.

    Here are the top skills every community builder needs to succeed:

    1. Initiating Engaging Conversations

    One of the most important skills in community building is the ability to start meaningful conversations—even with strangers. Whether you’re introverted or extroverted, it’s possible to develop this skill with time. Conversations are the lifeblood of any community, and they help foster relationships and engagement.

    To get better at initiating conversations, it’s crucial to have a deep understanding of your community’s domain and cultivate a natural curiosity. A great way to improve is by participating in active communities like Jatra, Reddit, or Quora.

    2. Mastering Technical Skills for Community Management

    As a community builder, it’s essential to be comfortable with technology. Adopting new platforms and tools quickly is key to managing a modern, online community. The good news is that many of today’s community management platforms are intuitive and user-friendly.

    In the coming years, AI will play an even bigger role in community building. Make sure to stay ahead of the curve by learning how to use AI for content moderation, prompt generation, and automated responses.

    3. Problem-Solving and Conflict Resolution

    Problem-solving is an often-overlooked skill in community management. A community’s value grows when it solves problems for its members, creating a positive experience for both active participants and lurkers. Handling conflicts and disagreements within the community is an inevitable part of the job.

    I remember a time when two highly active members of a forum I managed would constantly engage in personal disputes. As a community builder, you’ll often have to step in as a mediator and resolve conflicts while maintaining a respectful, positive culture.

    4. Content Creation and Moderation

    Creating engaging content is crucial for any thriving community. Beyond discussions, members look for insightful articles, chats, and long-form posts that provide real value. Content should address your members’ pain points and offer solutions that keep them coming back for more.

    Developing strong content writing skills is a must. From articles to discussions, ensure your content drives engagement and fosters growth in your community.

    5. Strong General Management Skills

    Being a successful community manager means wearing many hats—content creator, moderator, mediator, and analyst. The ability to juggle these roles and manage your time effectively is key to growing and sustaining a vibrant community.

    You’ll need to constantly balance your priorities and use your resources wisely to make sure everything runs smoothly. I'd like to hear from more experienced community builders in this community.

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  • Thomas Browne


    Active listening is undoubtedly one of the most undervalued skills in community building.

    It goes beyond merely hearing what your members are saying; it’s about truly grasping their deeper concerns, feedback, and often reading between the lines.

    It’s important to remember that not everyone is able to fully express their true thoughts and feelings. When communication within a community happens primarily through text, the role of the community builder becomes even more critical in interpreting what people are really trying to convey.

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